Pharoah Cylinders Personal Harmonizers & Generators
For Restoration of Energy: Pharaoh cylinders are ideal for recharging or restoring harmony of body and soul. Bioenergetics practitioners regard the Pharaoh cylinders as two energetic poles: Yin on the left, and Yang on the right. Energy passes between these poles, purifying the organism and strengthening the aura (the body’s protective energy field). The cylinders interact with the body through its network of acupoints in the hands and fingers. Stimulation of these acupoints provides relief and healing to their corresponding internal organs.
The Yin shungite cylinder (black) should be held in the left hand and the Yang pot stone or tulikiwi cylinder (deep green), in the right hand. Sit in a relaxed pose; do not cross your legs. While holding the cylinders, place your hands on your knees, keeping the cylinders parallel.
To get the most out of your session, close your eyes, clear your mind and concentrate on whatever sensations come to you. The length of the session will vary with each individual, but you should start with three to five minutes, gradually working up to 10 to 15 minutes. You will feel the effects of the “recharging” and harmonization for two days.
For optimum results, use the cylinders twice a day (morning and evening) for two weeks, followed by a break of one month.
Do not use the cylinders if you suffer from acute cardiovascular diseases, infarct, stenocardia, or if you are experiencing a high degree of stress, suffer from nervous and psychological disorders, acute hypertonia, acute chronic infectious diseases, or if you are in the late stages of pregnancy
Touted as the Miracle Stone of the 21st Century, shungite has been around for an estimated 2 billion years, but it wasn’t until the 1996 Nobel Prize-winning research that discovered antioxidant fullerenes within the stone that people began to wake up to shungite’s healing potential. It is now the go-to stone for electromagnetic field (EMF) protection, purification and detoxification of the body, as well as general healing and emotional well being.
Placing shungite at the base of a computer, microwave or around your various home electronic devices will not interfere with their operations, but will block out some of their free radial output. It’s also used an elixer. Shungite elixers can be made by simply placing the mineral in water, and allowing it a short time to purify. Drinking this purified water is said to have many beneficial qualities such as an increased rate of healing and cell growth, and detoxification of the body. Holding and meditating amplifies the shungite healing properties of headaches, back pain, blood pressure, inflammation and muscle pain. The antioxidants in shungite are forceful impacters on health and a fully functioning immune system. Shungite healing properties are powerful for the spirit as well. It can be used to combat insomnia, boost energy, reduce stress and relieve anxiety.