This massage oil heals the skin, maintains its suppleness and strengthens it. It contains sunflower oil, olive oil and plant extracts with arnica flower and birch leaf.
Before a sports activity or a physical effort, the massages protect against the muscular contractions and thus favor the performances. After the effort, the relaxing massages prevent the muscles from cooling too quickly and at the same time stimulate the natural regeneration of the skin.
The natural scent of lavender and rosemary has a pleasant energizing effect.
Natural essential oils of lavender and rosemary give off a powerful and stimulating scent.
For massages, pour the oil into the palm of your hand and, depending on the part of the body, make gentle or vigorous movements - flicking, tapping, kneading or vibrating. In daily skin care, the application in small quantities after the shower or bath, on the skin still wet.
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